quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011

First official Alec Lightwood picture (book trailer)

First, don't get fooled. This is a poster from the City of Fallen Angel book trailer, the so mentioned #CoFAshoot in twitter. Of course we would love to see this as official for the movies, but it's not (yet! :D)

Explanations apart, this is an awesome art @cassieclare posted in her twitter yesterday. We're very happy Cassandra and Vania love so much sharing Carson/Alec photos!! That's for our daily fix :)

TMI Examiner interview Carson Nicely

The awesome Natalie C. Marker, from TMI Examiner, posted yesterday an interview with Carson, about his role as Alec Lightwood in City of Fallen Angel book trailer. The interview is a lot of fun, read a few parts of it!

What do you like about playing your character?
 Alec is the oldest child of the Lightwood family and very protective at times. This is fun for me because in reality – I am the youngest of three brothers and I was never able to be protective over someone else.

If you could play a different character in The Mortal Instruments universe who would it be?
 If there was another character I could play in the Mortal Instruments – I think I would have to choose Simon. I definitely like that he is witty and sarcastic sense of humor at times, very similar to myself.

Read the full interview { CLICKING HERE  }

quarta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2011

sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2011

Carson says!

Credits to carsonnicely.wordpress.com

He wants to play Alec in COB Movie as he said it himself on twitter..
Carson Nicely@CarsonNicely
Carson Nicely
@ariss13 I would love to play the part of Alec in the City of Bones movie by @cassieclare . What do you think?
about 7 hours ago via webRetweetReply
And he is indeed planning to send his demo to the COB Producer..
Carson Nicely@CarsonNicely
Carson Nicely
@ariss13 @tatiana_Mareto I have not yet sent my information to the producer – I am waiting til my website is done :)
about 5 hours ago via webRetweetReply
And Cassie replied him..
Cassandra Clare@cassieclare
Cassandra Clare
@CarsonNicely My guess is that they won't cast the secondary characters until they have Clary *and* Jace. So keep an eye on that.
about 5 hours ago via TweetDeckRetweetReply
Join The Carson Forces! :)

Apocalyptica - Fade do Black

This is a song Carson likes a lot.
And, considering he plays the Cello, let's introduce the instrument to all his fans! :)

Carson Nicely is Alec Lightwood :)

The Lightwoods: Alec, Isabelle, Jace

I never had exactly in my mind how Alec could be. I've read the books and I always loved Alec - he is one of my favorite characters since the first book. He's passionate, insecure, lovely, confused - he's adorable!

When the City of Fallen Angels booktrailer was to be shoot and twitter went crazy with the teasers the production was "leaking", I just became the most curious about the actors playing our characters. Yes, our, because I believe every fan of the TMI series feels like those characters are part of her/his life. Am I wrong? :)

And we couldn't know who they are, but the photos were coming, and they were just so good as their parts. The one who showed up runed was Alec Lightwood, and I loved it. The parabatai rune - everybody went insane with that. Later, we found out Alec was Carson Nicely.

And knowing more about him, I just can think he is so good as Alec that I can't see anyone else playing Alec now! :) He even has physical appearance that fits with the character.

- He has the exact blue yes. And he was very good with the dark hair.
- He is good in martial arts - he can play the Shadowhunter at all!
- The runes love Carson. He just fit with them, and the pictures show it!
- He is tall - Alec is tall. Ok, that was lame, but it is a physical trait that must be considered, isn't it? :)

I know that are a lot of awesome actors that could play Alec Lightwood, as the other parts in TMI movie. But I just don't feel like we can crowd a movie with huge celebrities - the producers just don't do it. So, if I had to pick, I would pick Carson as Alec and let him entertain us for these long six movies of this franchising! :D

quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011

Carson Nicely network

Being Alec Lightwood !! :)

Cool post about the #CoFAshoot you can find here: http://teejaym.blogspot.com/

Meet Alec Lightwood in the Wayland's Manor: http://www.jace-wayland.com/2011/01/meet-alec-lightwood/

Carson Nicely Minute to Win It video

You can do like me and die.
Of laughs, because the video is very funny.
Of cuteness overload, because Carson is just too cute!! :)

Love it!

Carson fanart

A little bit of photoshop and we have fanart! :)
Not that Carson needs photoshop - he doesn't! But we love making art, don't we? :)

This one was made by our beloved @MonicaFink - pure awesomeness!!

Carson as Alec Lightwood

OH YEAH, this just freaked me out! :P
Carson Nicely recently was cast as Alec Lightwood for the book trailer of City of Fallen Angels, the 4th book of The Mortal Instruments Series.
And, for your pleasure, Cassandra Clare (@cassieclare) and two producers of the booktrailer (@reverieBR and @kaymfraser) shared a lot of pictures with us! Let's see Carson, I mean, Alec, with his runes up? :D

Pretty awesome, isn't it? :D
Btw, can you all see he's wearing the PARABATAI rune? *fangirls squee*

Beautiful shoots of Carson

This is just a very beautiful and artistical photoshoot of Carson Nicely.
All black and white photos - awesome.
Credits to @CarsonNicely flickr { CLICK HERE }


First post, and I'm never sure of what doing in first posts.
Well, this is a fanblog - so of course, be ready for fangirlism. 
Welcome to THE CARSON NICELY APPRECIATION BLOG, a place to adore and appreciate this awesome person/artist that is Carson. 
If you don't know Carson yet, this is the best place for you. If you already know him, this is also the best place for you. And if you're a fan... well, then this is where you belong. :)

Follow us to find out our news and updates. And more about Carson, of course.
Stay with an awesome picture of Carson!